Wednesday, October 15, 2008

There are certain words that evoke such images!that i can hardly move on past the word.......Like....."cahoots". Such a great word!.....or....."frolic". Who doesn't wish they could actually FROLIC?! or....."gambol", for some reason, this word only seems to make sense if you picture sheep/lambs. in a meadow.
"Meadow".....such a better word than "field". It just seems greener. Or...."ambivalence".....why! it fairly wavers on the written page! And "righteous"......i literally can SEE Pat Robertson.....sitting on....the right. "Blatant" practically pushes one away from the sentence.....
Vocabulary is neat. cool. nifty. and way better than syntax.


LesleyRamsey said...

I was going to say I love "blahhgging" but I thought you'd take it personally... then I decided to say it anyway. Was that mean? I actually enjoy your blogs. It's mine that are blah.

LesleyRamsey said...

ok here's another one David Brooks just used:


Good one, huh?

Enrique said...

My favorite word for today is "extrude" as in "McCain's bullshit extruded through his piehole".