Thursday, September 18, 2008

Because of non-stop tv coverage of the hurricane, i have not been watching any political news this week.....until this morning, when i saw a portion of one of McCain's blahblah interviews. Now, i suppose i could be wrong, but i SWEAR that during the last few days, he has, if it is possible, gotten even WHITER. Pale. Ashen. Wan. Bleached. Drained. Despite his perpetual happy-face and upbeat lying rhetoric, he looks KAPUT. With any luck at all, he will, in the next couple of weeks, just tump over. Not dead.....just WHITED we used to do with old typewriter mistakes. Wouldn't that be great? Just a really really bad typo at last corrected.


pineapple said...

Unfortunately Palin has that tanning bed so she won't be fading out anytime soon.

LesleyRamsey said...

Palin has a tanning bed?


Clearly I am out of touch with the latest news... Is this a good time to buy stocks?

Nervana said...

only grrl: You already bought Aig, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and now in the mortgage arena. you won't make any money on em,'ll sure as hell pay taxes on this fine investment. hell yes! let's elect another republican!