Sunday, September 14, 2008

i am, as i say so often, a truly blessed woman. Yep......i endured the pounding of this hateful "Ike"...obviously a republican hurricane (eisenhower) and a wife-beater (Turner). It was loud and scary and long.....and naturally, i have a huge mess of tree limbs, over-turned bushes, over-flowing pool, and a missing fence. But, thanks to my Only Grrrl, some giant guys came here prior to the storm and boarded up the glass part of my house. so i am essentially intact. AND........i actually have electricity!!! Unfortunately, because i had absolutely no expectation of having same, i have nothing to cook.....just a countertop covered with jars of peanut butter, crackers, juniormints, cheetos and doggie treats. But.....i have ANOTHER countertop covered with bottles of rum, wine and tequila. So......i truly am a LUCKY and BLESSED woman. i do wish i had bought a drill-thingie so i could "unboard" the windows and doors......but that can wait for another day. And meanwhile, i have all the A/C i need!
And that's all i have to say for now.

1 comment:

pineapple said...

I'm glad Ike can't keep a good woman down despite his best efforts. And you are a lucky woman if you have rum..