Saturday, September 20, 2008

Today i was talking with a friend and she was telling me about her recent involvement in "water aerobics". She was saying that after class each time, everyone just stays in the pool for a half hour, floating and relaxing. And she was upset because she absolutely cannot stay afloat. Now, this is your "average" 60+ year old woman, who has carefully followed the dire warnings that the AMA puts out informing us that if we are not "careful and dilligent", we women will put on 5 pounds each year after we are 35. She has done her part to validate this data. So........she says to me, "I wish i could get some of those floatie-things like little kids wear, but i don't think they make them to fit me". And i am prone to do......said emphatically......"Oh! Yes they do! They're called "tires".
she hung up on me. being me......i am still, three hours later, laughing. when you're right, you're right!

1 comment:

Enrique said...

Bubble wrap and duct tape work pretty well too.